Peninsula Chinese School (PCS) Registration System


* Required field (必填)
If you are not PCAA members, STOP. You can not register. Please click here to register PCAA membership first.


Father's Chinese Name(父亲中文名): *

Mother's Chinese Name(母亲中文名): *

You must use the same email as that one you used to register PCAA membership.
E-mail(电子邮箱): *

Telephone(电话)(xxx-xxx-xxxx): *

Home Address(地址)
Street(街道): *
City|County(城市): *
State(州): *
Zipcode(邮政编码): *

You must use the same email as that one you used to register PCAA membership.
Are you PCAA member for year 2024? (你是PCAA 2024年度的会员吗?)
Yes(是) No(否) *

If you are not PCAA member yet, do you want to join PCAA?
There is $20 yearly membership fee, but you will get $15 discount on tuition and fees.
(是否注册PCAA?PCAA会员费每年$20, 但每个PCAA会员的小孩均获得$15学杂费折扣)
Yes(是) No(否) *

If you are not PCAA member, STOP. You can not register. Please click here to register PCAA membership first.

Student1 - Chinese Name(中文名): *

Student1 - English Name(英文名): *

Student1 - Date of Birth(生日): *

Student1 - Gender(性别): *

Student1 - Class & Teacher: *

Student1 - Tuition and Fees(学杂费): $ *
Number of Student (学生数量):

Total Tuition and Fees(总学杂费): $

Release of Liability Statement(免责声明):

Do you agree with the above statement? (是否同意以上声明)

Registration, tuition and fees management(学生注册及学费管理办法)

  1. 本学期学杂费为$170。PCAA会员享有$15折扣。同一家庭第二个小孩享有额外$10折扣,第三个及以上享有额外$20折扣。
    The tuition and fees for Fall2024 semester is $170. PCAA family member will have $15 discount, the 2nd and 3rd kid from the same family will have $10 and $20 extra discount, respectively.
  2. 每学期开始的前两周为试读、注册及班级调整期。
    The first two weeks are registration period, in which student should register class and is allowed to transfer between classes. New students can try out some class to see if they are suitable.
  3. 开学四周内退学,学费100%退还;第五或六周退学,学费退75%;第六周以后不退学费。
    100% 0f the tuition will be refunded if a student drops out within the first 4 weeks; 75% of the tuition will be refunded if a student drops out within week 5 and 6. No refund after the 6th week.
  4. 插班生缴费依据入学时间而定。开学四周内入学,缴100%;第五或六周入学,缴80%;第六周以后缴75%。
    Transfer student should pay 100%, 80% or 75% of the tuition and fees if he starts from the first 4 weeks, the 5th|6th weeks, or after the 6th week, respectively.
  5. 学杂费应于开学第一天(due day)上缴,但拥有两周缓冲期。开学三周内缴齐。迟缴者需另缴10%,15%和20%的手续费如果比开学日期晚2-3,4-5和超过6个星期。晚于两个月则不予注册。
    The tuition and fees are due at the first day of each semester but have 2 weeks of grace period. 10%, 15% and 20% of the total amount will be charged when due date is passed 2-3 weeks, 4-5 weeks and more than 6 weeks。Registering for classes is blocked if tuition is not paid in full in the first 2 months of each semester.
  6. 学杂费根据每学年PCAA与DHS的协议书,与及PCAA和半岛中文学校的协定和班级设置等情况决定。
    The tuition and fees vary each acdemic year subjecting to the content of the PCAA-DHS contract, the agreement between PCAA and Chinese school, and also the class arrangements.
  7. 家长必须在3:50PM之前把没有注册课后班的学生接走;注册课后班的学生必须在4:40PM之前接走。否则,中文学校对此后发生的任何意外 不负任何责任,而且有权对家长追加罚款。
    Parents should pick up your child(ren) no later than 3:50 PM if not register any extracurricular activities, or 4:40PM if register an extracurricular activities. Otherwise, PCS will take no responsibility to anything happens thereafter. PCS reserves the right to place a fine to the parents.

Peninsula Chinese School (PCS)